This is my third (or so) time making David Lebovitz’s lemon-glazed madeleines. I have made the recipe in the past as written. This time I added the zest of two lemons instead of one. Without the lemon glaze these are kind of bland and I do not detect much lemon. The glaze is critical if you want a nice lemon flavor.
WARNING: You need to plan ahead for this! You should prep the madeleine pans (with butter and flour) and put in the fridge or freeze for about 30 minutes before baking. Also, you need to chill the batter for at least one hour before baking. This is actually a great make-ahead option since you can refrigerate the batter overnight!

I used a small cookie scoop (like this one) to portion each madeleine and got exactly 24 madeleines.

I bought the madeleine pans at Williams Sonoma. They are non-stick and so easy to use and clean.